Monday, October 17, 2011

New Gundam TV Series - Gundam Age

Well, obviously this is the new TV series of gundam.

Gundam Age

Already watched ep1 and 2, personally I think it's still good despite the character design more like rockman and digimon-styled character.
What surprised me is, we can see full episode 1 and 2 at youtube with english subtitle (official from Bandai too). I think Bandai truly in verge of gaining more young "follower" and spamming more HG AGE kit with more valuable price (around 1200 Yen, compared with HGUC which around 1800 Yen +)

So what do you think about this new gundam series?

You can see episode 1 and 2 here: (Youtube link, South East Asia Only)


  1. actually i prefer the characters to be more realistic.
    But then it won't be targeted to attract young gundam fans anymore.

  2. available to watch for free in Youtube? wow..I know that they want to attract younger audience, but still...that is a really generous move :D

  3. @heathorn: yep, looking back at Usso Evin and Kira Yamato.. they are at the same age but very different at the design.

    @hamster: yeah ham, but looking at the HG series.. only from 2 episode we can have 8 HG, 4 AG, 1 MG, 1 Mega Size.. Awesome isn't it? :D

  4. I haven't watch it yet, from the picture I can fell that it's less interesting.... am I wrong?

  5. after reading reviews from the critics im a bit sceptical about the series but thanks to watchability on youtube, this series is not that bad. :D

  6. Already watch to episode 3, it felt more like watching a cutscene from a game like MS Saga than a Gundam anime.
    The childish atmosphere is very noticeable like when Flit is going to pilot the Gundam, he still argues with the old man that he needs to do it while the enemy is destroying everything outside.

  7. @DJS: well the story is simple but still enjoyable, but gonna looking forward for the next generation..

    @sl619: yep, agreed

    @DarkFaiz: yeah, actually their target is to attract more younger generation to like gundam, and they did well..
